Using Different Size Pools
I've started working on a new edition of Ruby Under a Microscope that covers Ruby 3.x. I'm working on this in my spare time, so it will take a while. Leave a comment or drop me a line and I'll email you when it's finished.
The Ruby team has done a tremendous amount of work over the past decade on Ruby's garbage collection (GC) implementation. In fact, Ruby's new GC is one of the key reasons Ruby 3 is so much faster than Ruby 2. To bring all of this work to light, I decided to rewrite Chapter 12 from scratch, covering garbage collection in Ruby more accurately and in more depth. But then, after a few months, I realized I had gotten carried away and wrote too much material for one chapter. So the updated book will have two new chapters on garbage collection: one on garbage collection basics and a second new chapter on incremental and generational garbage collection. Here's a small excerpt.
Chapter 12: Garbage Collection Basics
Where Do Ruby Values Live? | 4 |
The RVALUE Structure | 7 |
RVALUE Written in C | 8 |
The Free List | 9 |
Embedded Values | 10 |
Size Pools | 12 |
Experiment 12-1: Using Different Size Pools | 14 |
Cleaning Up Unused Values | 19 |
Filling Up a Page | 19 |
Marking | 22 |
Sweeping | 24 |
How Ruby Frees An Object | 28 |
Experiment 12-2: When Does Ruby Collect Your Garbage? | 29 |
Summary | 25 |

Experiment 12-1: Using Different Size Pools
Ruby 3.2 and later provides a way to see statistics about size pools, the GC.stat_heap class method. GC.stat_heap returns a hash as shown in Listing 12-5.
require 'pp' pp GC.stat_heap {0 => {slot_size: 40, heap_eden_pages: 10, heap_eden_slots: 16374, total_allocated_pages: 10, force_major_gc_count: 0, force_incremental_marking_finish_count: 0, total_allocated_objects: 26378, total_freed_objects: 10231}, 1 => {slot_size: 80, Etc…
Listing 12-5 shows the output of GC.stat_heap for Size Pool 0, which includes the slot size (:slot_size=>40), the number of pages Ruby has allocated so far for this size (:heap_eden_pages=>10) and the total number of slots allocated across all of these pages (:heap_eden_slots=>16374). The output of GC.stat_heap continues on to show the same statistics for the other size pools.
We can use GC.stat_heap to investigate how Ruby uses size pools as we allocate more and more objects. Listing 12-6 shows a Ruby program that allocates arrays of varying sizes, and then records the output from GC.stat_heap.
(1) CAPACITY_ITER = 100 ALLOCATE_ITER = 10000 (2) all = [] (3) CAPACITY_ITER.times do |capa| (4) ALLOCATE_ITER.times do |i| all << end (5) total_slots_by_size_pool = [] GC.stat_heap.each do |size_pool, stats| total_slots_by_size_pool[size_pool] = stats[:heap_eden_slots] end print "#{capa}, " print "#{total_slots_by_size_pool[0]}, " print "#{total_slots_by_size_pool[1]}, " print "#{total_slots_by_size_pool[2]}, " print "#{total_slots_by_size_pool[3]}, " puts "#{total_slots_by_size_pool[4]}" end
This program contains an inner loop and an outer loop. The outer loop at (3) in Listing 12-6 iterates over arrays of different capacities, from 1 up to 100 (CAPACITY_ITER). For each array capacity, the program creates 10,000 (ALLOCATE_ITER) array objects of that size using the inner loop (4). Note the program saves all of the new arrays into a single array called all, created at (2). This insures that Ruby doesn’t free all of our new arrays by running a garbage collection.
After creating 10,000 arrays of the given capacity, the program saves the heap_eden_slots value from the return value of GC.stat_heap for all of the size pools at (5), and then prints out the results at (6).
Running the code in Listing 12-6 produces this output:
0, 22923, 6548, 2861, 611, 306 1, 34385, 6548, 2861, 611, 306 2, 44209, 6548, 2861, 611, 306 3, 54033, 6548, 2861, 611, 306 4, 54033, 13914, 2861, 611, 306 5, 54033, 23735, 2861, 611, 306 6, 54033, 34374, 2861, 611, 306 7, 54033, 44195, 2861, 611, 306 8, 54033, 54016, 2861, 611, 306 9, 54033, 54016, 11446, 611, 306 10, 54033, 54016, 21257, 611, 306 11, 54033, 54016, 31477, 611, 306 Etc…
The output in Listing 12-7 shows how many slots Ruby has allocated in total after each iteration of the outer, array capacity loop. For example:
0, 22923, 6548, 2861, 611, 306
… shows that after allocating 10,000 empty arrays, Ruby has now uses a total of 22923 slots for Size Pool 0, 6548 for Size Pool One, 2861 for Size Pool Two, etc. If you try running this, you will see slightly different values.
Plotting these values, we can see which pool Ruby uses for the new arrays of various capacities:
Figure 12-10: Allocating Slots for Arrays of Various Sizes - Size Pools 0, 1 and 2, Ruby 3.4.1
Each bar in Figure 12-10 represents values from a line of output from Listing 12-7. For example, the first bar on the far left plots this output:
0, 22923, 6548, 2861, 611, 306
The first value, 0, is the position of each bar on the x-axis, while the bar’s color segments display the following three values: The dark grey bar at the bottom left corner represents Size Pool 0 (22923), the lighter bar above it shows Size Pool 1 (6548), and the lightest, top bar shows Size Pool 2 (2861).
Moving to the right, each successive bar shows the values for different array capacities. Looking over the entire graph, we can see the following pattern in Figure 12-10:
The dark grey bars for Size Pool 0 at the bottom of Figure 12-10 increase in size from capacity 0 through capacity 3, and then remain the same height after that for capacities 4 and greater.
The medium grey bars for Size Pool 1 have the same height from capacity 0 through 3, but then increase from capacity 4 through 8. From capacity 9 and onward, the medium grey bars have the same height again.
The light grey bars at the top for Size Pool 2 remain small for capacities 0 through 8, and then increase in size steadily for capacities 9 through 18. Then the remain unchanged after that.
Figure 12-10 shows Ruby saves new arrays using the following size pools:
Capacity Range Size Pool 0-3 0 4-8 1 9-18 2
Plotting the entire output from Listing 12-7 up to capacity=100, we see the following:
Figure 12-11: Complete Output from Listing 12-7, Ruby 3.4.1
Figure 12-11 shows an interesting pattern. Ruby uses size pools 0 through 4 to save arrays with capacities from 0 up to 78 in a similar way:
Capacity Range Size Pool 0-3 0 4-8 1 9-18 2 19-38 3 39-78 4
For each capacity range, the length of the corresponding bars grows steadily, and then stops growing.
However, once we started to save large arrays with capacities of 79 or more elements, Ruby saved them in the original Size Pool Zero again. This indicates that Ruby stopped embedding the array elements in the size pool entirely, and instead allocated a new, separate memory segment to save the elements. For these large arrays, small 40 byte RVALUE slots in Size Pool Zero were sufficient, because they each contained a pointer to the array data, and not the embedded array data itself.
Figure 12-12: A Large Array Saving Its Elements In A Separate Memory Segment
Figure 12-12 shows how large arrays, arrays which contain 79 or more elements, do not save their elements inside of the Array structure, but instead save a pointer (ptr) which contains the location of a separate memory segment that holds the array elements.
One key detail of this experiment was in Listing 12-6 at (2): the all array. The inner loop just below in Listing 12-6 at (4) saved each new array into the all array. This meant all the new arrays were in fact still being used and Ruby’s garbage collector could not reclaim their memory. Without this line of code, we would not have seen the total number of slots continually increase, preventing us from discovering which slots Ruby saved the arrays into.
But how did Ruby’s garbage collector know this, exactly? How does Ruby identify which values are used and unused by our programs? And how does it reclaim memory from the unused values? Let’s take a look at Ruby’s garbage collection process next.