Koichi Sasada Encourages Us To Contribute To Ruby

Today I’m happy to post an English translation of a new appendix to Ruby Under a Microscope written by Koichi Sasada (@_ko1), included in the Japanese edition last month. As you probably know, Koichi is the developer behind the virtual machine used by Ruby since Ruby 1.9 was released, known as “YARV.” He writes about the early days of YARV (apparently he wrote the first version during a single vacation week!) as well as some interesting aspects of its technical design.
But what struck me the most about this essay - what I found encouraging and inspiring - was the story about how Koichi first became involved in Ruby core development. He writes about how certain Ruby meetups and book clubs created an environment that enabled him to learn and innovate. This environment lead directly to the development of YARV, which enables all our Ruby programs to run faster today.
He concludes with a message for all of us: We should follow in his footsteps and not be afraid to contribute to Ruby, to create “yet another Ruby implementation.” Thinking about his story, to do this maybe we need to seek out - or to create - the right learning environment, like the one Koichi found in Japan 10 years ago. Thanks for writing this, Koichi! I’m happy and proud that RUM now concludes with this message.
Japanese-language edition copyright © 2014 by Ohmsha, Ltd. Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner.
今回、私(笹田)がYARV:Yet Another RubyVMの開発者であるという縁で、本書の付録にYARVについて寄稿する機会を得た。本書では、多くのページを割いてYARVの中身を解説していただいている。しかも、原著は英語の著作であるので、世界中で読まれていることになる。ソフトウェア開発者として、たいへん光栄であると共に、読みながら実装の非効率な部分などを見つけてしまい、恥ずかしい思いもある。本稿では、YARVについて少し補足する。
I (Koichi Sasada) am thankful to have a chance to write about YARV in this appendix as a developer of YARV: Yet Another Ruby VM. Many pages of this book describe the internals of YARV. Furthermore, the original edition is written in English and has been read by people all over the world. I am greatly honored by that as a software developer, although it humbles me to have found several inefficiencies in YARV’s implementation while reading the book. In this appendix, I will give some supplemental information and background on the design and implementation of YARV.
YARV: Yet Another RubyVM
開発当初、YARVはRuby 1.8向けの拡張ライブラリとして実装していた。つまり、実行エンジンをすべて差し替えるのではなく、Ruby 1.8処理系から、指定したRubyプログラムをYARV上で実行する、という構造としていた。Ruby 1.8処理系の上に、もう1つRuby処理系を重ねていたことになる。この構造により、十分に安定しているRuby 1.8処理系を用いて、YARVの試験を比較的容易に行うことができた。また、GCやC APIなどの関数といった基盤コードをそのまま利用することもできた。そして、開発が進んだ後、スレッドなどをサポートするため、一気にRuby 1.8処理系のコア部分を取り除き、YARVに置き換えた。しかし、GCなどの基盤コードはその後も流用を続けた。当初より、Rubyインタプリタ(MRI/CRuby)はC言語と親和性の高い処理系として知られているが、YARVもその特長を受け継いでいる。そして、置き換えたものがRuby 1.9としてリリースされ、2014年現在も、RubyVMとして利用されている。
よく、YARV:Yet Another RubyVMは、公式に取り込まれたので、Yet Anotherな処理系ではないのではないか、という指摘を受けるが、なんとなく語呂が良いので利用を続けている。ただし、ファイル名やクラス名には利用しないようにしている。開発当時、Ruby向け仮想マシンは、既にいくつか提案されていた。特に、Rubyの生みの親であるまつもと氏によるRiteVM、そしてByteCodeRubyというプロジェクトが知られていたと思う。そのため、“Yet Another”という名前を付けた。もちろん、yaccに代表されるように、この業界では“Yet Another”なものが多く利用されることも多かったため、同じようにYARVも多く利用されるよう、願をかけたということもある。ちなみに、RiteVMは、まつもと氏が鋭意開発しているmrubyの仮想マシンの名前となっている。
YARV: Yet Another RubyVM
I started the development of YARV during the New Year's holiday in 2004. I had already been interested in a virtual machine for Ruby at that time. I built a simple prototype within about a week. I must have had plenty of time to kill back then. According to the first announcement ([ruby-dev:22494]), it was capable of running a program to calculate Fibonacci numbers.
In its early stages of development, I implemented YARV as an extension library for Ruby 1.8. Instead of replacing the whole runtime engine, I designed it to be used by Ruby 1.8 as a VM to run specific programs. In other words, it was another Ruby implementation on top of the Ruby 1.8 implementation. This architecture allowed us to test YARV with relative ease using Ruby 1.8, which was sufficiently stable. We could continue using the base mechanisms of Ruby 1.8, such as GC, C APIs and so on. After finishing a substantial part of the development, the Ruby 1.8 core was removed and replaced with YARV all at once, in order to support features such as threads. However, we kept using infrastructure code, such as GC, after that. The Ruby interpreter (MRI/CRuby) is known to have an affinity to the C programming language. YARV inherits that characteristic as well. Then a new version of Ruby containing YARV at its core was released as Ruby 1.9. As of this writing in 2014, YARV has been used as the Ruby VM since then.
People often point out that YARV is not "Yet Another" anymore, because it is the official VM now. Though we still use the name because it somehow sounds familiar, we make it a rule not to use "YARV" in file names or class names. When I started working on YARV, there had already been several proposals for the development of new virtual machines for Ruby. RiteVM by Matz, the creator of Ruby, and ByteCodeRuby were the most well known projects then, as far as I can remember. That lead me to prefix the name of our VM with “Yet Another.” Of course, I named it so hoping it would become popular. There are many examples of software programs that have “Yet Another” in their names and nevertheless became popular: for example yacc. By the way, RiteVM is now the name of the mruby VM which Matz is actively developing.
YARVは当時の最新版であるRuby 1.8の仕様を踏襲するのではなく、その次の版である、Ruby 1.9の仕様を実装することとした。当時はRuby 1.9の仕様をどうするか議論していた。YARVではそのRuby 1.9の仕様のもとで開発を進めることにした。別の戦略として、Ruby 1.8に完全互換の仮想マシンを開発することで、多くの人に、即座に利用してもらうこともできた。しかし、いくつかのRuby 1.8の仕様がYARVで用いているスタックマシンでは実現困難であろうと思われたため、新しい仕様をベースに実装しつつ、困難な仕様は仕様変更できないか、交渉しながら開発を進めることとした。この戦略により、Ruby 1.9を実現するRubyインタプリタのひとつとなることができた。後に公式処理系としてマージされた理由のひとつだろうと思う。
Design Principles of YARV
We chose to implement YARV for the Ruby 1.9 specification, instead of 1.8. At the time, Ruby 1.9 was the next version, and we were discussing its specification. We targeted YARV at that specification. We also had the option of implementing it for Ruby 1.8, thereby supporting a large number of users instantly. But some of the Ruby 1.8 features seemed difficult to implement with the stack machine which YARV is based on. So I decided to implement my VM for the newer spec, while negotiating with Ruby developers to change the parts of the specification that were hard to implement. This strategy worked well, and YARV became one of the interpreters to run Ruby 1.9. I think that was one of the reasons that it was finally merged in as an official VM.
This book correctly explains YARV’s design details. I would, however, like to add that it was not so straightforward to get to the current design. One of the things I remember is the stack structure of the virtual machine. The book describes YARV as a "double stack machine," but it was using only one stack at first. Actual microprocessors allocate a calculation area and a function call frame one after another on a single stack. YARV used a similar architecture at first, but it became too complicated. Later I concluded that it should have two stacks, even if I had to give up some efficiency. YARV’s operation became too complex especially when implementing the extraction of a block as a closure. Because this book cleverly avoids such hairy details, readers fortunately do not have to confront this sort of complexity. I hope, though, I have chance to explain that, because it was one of the most difficult parts to implement. By the way, having two stacks means that the cost of checking for stack overflows also doubles. So I implemented them both in the same memory block: one going from bottom to top and the other going from top to bottom. This trick somewhat reduced the cost of checking for stack overflows, because we only have to check the positions of two stack pointers once.
RHGによってRuby処理系の構造を学べば、Rubyプログラムを実行する心臓部となる評価器が、Java仮想マシンなどに比べ、あまりに非効率であることは明らかであった。そのため、Rubyの文法を適切に、高速に評価する仮想マシンはどのようなものであるか、ということに興味を持ち、検討を続けた。そして、正月休みの機会に一気に書き上げた。その頃は、まさかRuby 1.9の一部としてリリースされることになるとは思わなかった。最初の動機が性能向上であったため、最初から性能のことを強く意識したソースコードであった。今思えば、早すぎる最適化といえると思う。
YARV Development Prehistory
I'd like to describe the history of how I came to develop YARV. Because earlier I had been interested in programming language processors, I had the experience of implementing two Java virtual machines. That gave me some knowledge of what was required to implement virtual machines intended for object-oriented programming languages. At the time, Mr. Nobuo Yamashita was periodically holding meetups to read the book The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs (or SICP). Attending them, I acquired knowledge and insight about implementations of Scheme. This insight was important since Ruby's block design was based on Lisp functions, as Chapter 8 of this book points out.
It was December 2002 when Ruby Source Code Kanzen Kaisetsu (the Ruby Hacking Guide, or RHG), by Mr. Minero Aoki was published, which is a unique book that explains the entire Ruby source code. Mr. Masayoshi Takahashi held meetings to read RHG about once a month. We took turns in a reading group, but because the author Aoki-san himself was one of the members the other members could talk with him in person when they had questions. In this way, we learned the implementation details of Ruby very well. Let me add that both of these meetups are held in the meeting rooms at Time Intermedia, Ltd., where Mr. Yamashita was working then. I attended the meetups frequently: several times a month. I wish to express my deep gratitude to the people who provided such an environment for learning.
After reading RHG and learning more about the structure of Ruby’s implementation, it became clear to me that the evaluation module Ruby used to run programs - the heart of the Ruby interpreter - was not efficient enough. I kept on studying and thinking about the ideal design of a virtual machine to run Ruby programs precisely and efficiently, which I finally implemented all at once during that New Year's holiday. I didn’t foresee that it would be released as a part of Ruby 1.9. My first motivation was performance improvement - my source code surely reflected that. In hindsight, it was such an early optimization.
本書では、YARVの構造を既知のものとして紹介しており、もしかしたら、このように実装するのが正しいRuby処理系だ、とも読めるかもしれない。しかし、本稿で紹介したとおり、YARVをはじめ、Ruby処理系は人間が試行錯誤しながら、なんとか作り上げてきたソフトウェアにすぎない。本書はRuby 2.0をベースに紹介しているが、Ruby 2.1では、さらに品質を向上するためにさまざまな修正を行った。そして、これからリリースする予定であるRuby 2.2を、より良いものにするため、改善を続けている。
たとえば、キーワード引数の改善である。本書の第4章では、キーワード引数の実装方法について紹介している。簡単に要約すると、呼び出しにおいて、キーワード引数として渡した名前と値の対を、1つのHashオブジェクトとしてまとめ、通常の引数として渡す。受け側はそのHashオブジェクトから必要な値を読み出すコードをコンパイル時に暗黙に展開する。さて、キーワード引数はRuby 2.0から導入された新機能なので、利用頻度が低いようであり、問題になっていないが、この実装は非効率である。メソッド呼び出しごとにHashオブジェクトが生成されることになり、Hashオブジェクト生成、およびGCのコストがかかる。また、暗黙に展開されるHashオブジェクトの読み込みも、複数のメソッド呼び出しを含むため、遅い。
この問題を改善するため、Ruby 2.2から、可能な限りHashオブジェクトを生成しないようにキーワード引数を実装し直した。その代わり、コンパイル時にキーワード引数の名前をまとめておき、呼び出し側では値のみ渡すことにした。そして、受け側では渡された値と、コンパイル時に作成した名前を用いて対を復元するようにした。この工夫によりキーワード引数を用いるメソッド呼び出しを、場合によっては10倍以上高速化することができた。今後も、実行速度を含む、Ruby処理系の品質向上を続けていきたい。
Yet More Ruby Virtual Machines
This book explains the current architecture of YARV, which you might conclude is the correct way of implementing Ruby. But, as I have explained in this appendix so far, all of Ruby’s implementations, including YARV, are not much different from any other software application: they are all developed through trial and error by humans. While this book covers Ruby 2.0, we have already made various improvements for Ruby 2.1. And we are working on even more improvements that will make the forthcoming Ruby 2.2 even better.
For example, keyword arguments will be more efficient. Chapter 4 explains the implementation of keyword arguments. Quickly summarizing: Ruby first passes a hash object containing keyword name and value pairs as a normal argument. Then, at compile time, the receiver implicitly expands code that reads the values from the argument hash. Users don’t seem to be complaining about its performance for now. I assume keyword arguments are not widely used, because it is a new feature introduced in Ruby 2.0. But this implementation is not efficient. Hash objects are created every time, incurring object creation and GC costs. Also, reading from Hash objects using the implicitly expanded code is slow, because it involves multiple method calls.
In order to address this problem, we are reimplementing how Ruby 2.2 handles keyword arguments to avoid creating Hash objects as much as possible. Meanwhile, we are implementing a new design that will collect the names of keyword arguments at compile time, so that caller need only pass the values at runtime. The callee will then recombine the values with the names collected by the compiler. This design change will allow Ruby to process keyword arguments 10 times faster. I would like to keep on improving the quality of Ruby's implementation, including runtime efficiency.
Heroku, Inc.
If you become interested in YARV and Ruby implementations after reading this book, if you have ideas for improving them, I encourage you to develop your own “Yet Another Ruby Implementation.” The Ruby core community will welcome your challenge.
November 2014
Koichi Sasada
Heroku, Inc.