
I just ported the RailsBench ruby186gc.patch over to Ruby 1.8.7 - you can use this to measure garbage collection statistics for a Rails 3 app. I posted a new ruby187gc.patch file on github.

Why do you need this?

In my last post, I ran some Rails profile performance tests and found the process time taken to execute ActiveRecord queries using find and select_all. However, I got “unsupported” for the amount of memory and number of Ruby objects created:

$ rake test:profile
(in /Users/pat/rails-apps/perf_test)
Loaded suite /Users/pat/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.8.7...
LoadUsersTest#test_find (54 ms warmup)
        process_time: 398 ms
memory: unsupported objects: unsupported

To get these values you need to use a patched Ruby interpreter that supports measuring memory allocations, object creations, etc. In addition, if you want to run these tests on a Rails 3 app, you’ll need to use Ruby 1.8.7 or higher.

If you don’t mind reinstalling Ruby, Rails and all of the gems your app uses, then the best way to do this might be to install Ruby Enterprise Edition, based on Ruby 1.8.7. This version of Ruby contains the GC statistics code changes along with a variety of other code changes and improvements.

But I had a lot of gems already installed, and I also already had a copy of standard Ruby 1.8.7 built from source by RVM, so I decided to just port over the GC patch code changes myself. It was a lot of fun, and for a while I’ve been looking for a good excuse to take a look under the hood at how Ruby actually works internally.

Here’s how to install the patch in your copy of the Ruby 1.8.7 source; replace the .rvm/src path with the actual path of the Ruby source code on your machine:

$ cd ~/.rvm/src/ruby-1.8.7-p302
$ git clone
$ cat ruby187gc/ruby187gc.patch | patch -p0
patching file gc.c
patching file intern.h

Now you can recompile Ruby and reinstall the ruby, irb, etc., executables:

$ make
$ make install

Using the GC patch with Rails 3 performance tests

As explained in the Performance Testing Rails Applications Rails Guide, if you’re using Rails you can take advantage of this patch using the ruby-prof gem and then running Rails performance tests using rake test:profile. Until now the problem was the standard GC patch only applied to Ruby 1.8.6, which is not supported by Rails 3.

One important detail here: if you’ve already got the ruby-prof gem, be sure to uninstall it and reinstall it again after patching Ruby before trying to use it. This is necessary since the gem builds native extensions when it’s installed that need to pick up the GC patch changes in the Ruby interpreter.

$ gem uninstall ruby-prof
Remove executables:

in addition to the gem? [Yn] Y Removing ruby-prof Successfully uninstalled ruby-prof-0.9.2

Now go ahead and reinstall it (or install it for the first time):

$ gem install ruby-prof
Building native extensions.  This could take a while...
Successfully installed ruby-prof-0.9.2
1 gem installed
Installing ri documentation for ruby-prof-0.9.2...
Installing RDoc documentation for ruby-prof-0.9.2...

Repeating the select_all vs. find example from my last post:

$ rake test:profile
  (in /Users/pat/perf_test)
  Loaded suite /Users/pat/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.8.7-p302/gems/rake-0.8.7/...
  LoadUsersTest#test_find (55 ms warmup)
          process_time: 398 ms
memory: 1327.91 KB objects: 118715
. LoadUsersTest#test_select_all (35 ms warmup) process_time: 242 ms
memory: 925.35 KB objects: 106562
. Finished in 1.580706 seconds.

6 tests, 0 assertions, 0 failures, 0 errors

Now you can see in addition to the process_time value, I also get values for the amount of memory allocated in each test, and also the number of Ruby objects created.

Enabling detailed GC statistics

Another neat trick you can try after installing the GC patch is to set an environment variable causing the patched Ruby interpreter to display detailed statistics each time it runs a garbage collection:

$ export RUBY_GC_STATS=1

And now repeating the profile test:

$ rake test:profile
  (in /Users/pat/perf_test)
  Loaded suite /Users/pat/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.8.7-p302/gems/rake-0.8.7/...
  LoadUsersTest#test_find (56 ms warmup)
          process_time: 399 ms
  Garbage collection started
  objects processed: 0140928
  live objects	: 0000000
  freelist objects : 0000000
  freed objects	: 0140928
  kept 0001390 / freed 0001385 objects of type OBJECT
  kept 0000644 / freed 0008742 objects of type FLOAT
  kept 0034120 / freed 0061905 objects of type STRING
  kept 0002805 / freed 0053757 objects of type ARRAY
  kept 0002140 / freed 0005240 objects of type HASH
  kept 0000013 / freed 0000001 objects of type BIGNUM
  kept 0000005 / freed 0000930 objects of type MATCH
  kept 0000291 / freed 0001156 objects of type VARMAP
  kept 0000250 / freed 0000131 objects of type SCOPE
  kept 0312179 / freed 0007469 objects of type NODE
  GC time: 44 msec
                memory: 1327.91 KB
  Garbage collection started
  objects processed: 0148944
  live objects	: 0000000
  freelist objects : 0027118
  freed objects	: 0121826
  kept 0001391 / freed 0001590 objects of type OBJECT
  kept 0000793 / freed 0012976 objects of type FLOAT
  kept 0027154 / freed 0070691 objects of type STRING
  kept 0002833 / freed 0017263 objects of type ARRAY
  kept 0000564 / freed 0005472 objects of type HASH
  kept 0000013 / freed 0000002 objects of type BIGNUM
  kept 0000006 / freed 0001767 objects of type MATCH
  kept 0000295 / freed 0002076 objects of type VARMAP
  kept 0000258 / freed 0000121 objects of type SCOPE
  kept 0312510 / freed 0008908 objects of type NODE
  GC time: 43 msec
               objects: 118715
  LoadUsersTest#test_select_all (35 ms warmup)
          process_time: 243 ms
                memory: 925.35 KB
               objects: 106562
  Finished in 1.672623 seconds.

6 tests, 0 assertions, 0 failures, 0 errors

Here we can see Ruby ran the garbage collection code twice during my performance test - not coincidentally both times occurred during my “LoadUsersTest#test_find” test, and neither occurred during the “LoadUsersTest#test_select_all” test. This is because ActiveRecord::Base.find is creating a lot more objects and using more memory than ActiveRecord::Base.connection.select_all is. See my last post for more details.

I can also see that the GC executions took 44ms and 43ms, and also details such as what types of Ruby objects were freed. With RUBY_GC_STATS=1 you could run your Rails server process and get this output each time your server had to stop and perform garbage collection - this could be a good way to see if garbage collection was in fact causing performance problems for your app.

C programming details

The GC patch code is actually quite simple. Among other things, a couple global variables are added to gc.c to track how many times Ruby allocates memory, and how much it allocates:

long gc_allocated_size = 0;
long gc_num_allocations = 0;

Next, whenever Ruby needs to allocate memory for a new object, it calls this function:

void *
    long size;
    void *mem;
<span class="r">if</span> (size &lt; <span class="i">0</span>) {
    rb_raise(rb_eNoMemError, <span class="s"><span class="dl">&quot;</span><span class="k">negative allocation size (or too big)</span><span class="dl">&quot;</span></span>);
<span class="r">if</span> (size == <span class="i">0</span>) size = <span class="i">1</span>;

<span class="r">if</span> (ruby_gc_stress || (malloc_increase+size) &gt; malloc_limit) {
RUBY_CRITICAL(mem = malloc(size));
<span class="r">if</span> (!mem) {
    RUBY_CRITICAL(mem = malloc(size));
    <span class="r">if</span> (!mem) {
malloc_increase += size;
if (gc_statistics) { gc_allocated_size += size; gc_num_allocations += 1; }
<span class="r">return</span> mem;


Here you can see Ruby’s basic logic around allocating memory.

  • malloc_increase tracks the current heap size
  • malloc_limit is the maximum size each heap is allowed to be
  • If the amount of requested memory causes the heap to pass the limit, garbage_collect() is called... this means your Ruby application stops completely while unused objects are freed.
  • If ruby_gc_stress == 1 then Ruby will call garbage_collect for each and every allocation... you can set this using the Ruby call “GC.stress = 1” ... of course, this is only useful for someone debugging the interpreter code.
  • Then Ruby calls malloc to get the new memory from the operating system, and calls garbage_collect again in case that fails.
  • Next Ruby calculates the new heap size: malloc_increase += size
  • Finally, the highlighted lines at the bottom keep track of the total amount of memory allocated (gc_allocated_size) and the total number of allocations (gc_num_allocations). These lines were added by the GC patch.

Keep in mind this is such a low level function in the C interpreter code that this will be called many thousands of times for every Ruby application!

Later the gc_num_allocations and gc_allocated_size values are made available to Ruby programs using the “GC” object, like this:

*  call-seq:
*     GC.allocated_size    => Integer
*  Returns the size of memory (in bytes) allocated since GC statistics collection
*  was enabled.
*     GC.allocated_size    #=> 35

VALUE rb_gc_allocated_size() { return INT2NUM(gc_allocated_size); }

To use the GC patch in one of your Ruby programs, you call GC.enable_stats, and then you use the GC object to display various statistics such as the number of objects allocated, the amount of memory used, etc. For example:

$ irb
ruby-1.8.7-p302 > GC.enable_stats
 => false 
ruby-1.8.7-p302 > GC.allocated_size
 => 3348 
ruby-1.8.7-p302 > GC.num_allocations
 => 326 
ruby-1.8.7-p302 > GC.collections
 => 0 
ruby-1.8.7-p302 > GC.time
 => 0 
ruby-1.8.7-p302 > GC.clear_stats
 => nil 
ruby-1.8.7-p302 > ObjectSpace.allocated_objects
 => 37390

GC.collections return the number of times garbage_collect() was called, and GC.time returns the total time spent performing garbage collection. Finally, ObjectSpace.allocated_objects returns the total number of objects created.

When you run a Rails profile performance test with the ruby-prof gem, it calls these new methods added by the GC patch to display the “memory” and “objects” values.