Repeated auto complete plugin usage change
I’ve forked the auto_complete plugin to support repeated text fields in a complex form; see for more details.
If you had downloaded my plugin in the past, I’ve just made a couple of changes that will require some simple code changes to your app:
- You no longer need to or are able to use “auto_complete_form_for” or “auto_complete_fields_for.” I decided this was confusing and unnecessary. Now my plugin just mixes the text_field_with_auto_complete method right into the standard FormBuilder class. Just use form_for or fields_for as usual.
- I also dropped the object name parameter from text_field_with_auto_complete. Since text_field_with_auto_complete is a method of the form builder, the target object is indicated by the surrounding call to fields_for or form_for and so doesn’t need to be repeated. Now using form.text_field_with_auto_complete is very similar to using form.text_field or the other form builder methods: you just need to specify the column/field name.
So if you are using my old plugin with a Rails 2.2 or earlier app like this:
<% for person in @group.people %> <% auto_complete_fields_for "group[person_attributes][]", person do |form| %> Person <%= person_form.label :name %><br /> <%= form.text_field_with_auto_complete :person, :name, {}, {:method => :get} %> <% end %> <% end %>
… you should drop “auto_complete_” and “:person” and just use code like this instead:
<% for person in @group.people %> <% fields_for "group[person_attributes][]", person do |form| %> Person <%= person_form.label :name %><br /> <%= form.text_field_with_auto_complete :name, {}, {:method => :get} %> <% end %> <% end %>
And if you have Rails 2.3 or later and are using nested attributes, this would become:
<% form_for @group do |group_form| -%> <% group_form.fields_for :people do |person_form| %> Person <%= person_form.label :name %><br /> <%= person_form.text_field_with_auto_complete :name, {}, { :method => :get, :skip_style => true } %> <% end %> <% end %>